Video Conferencing Interfaces: Cisco's TMS and Polycom

Sync VC equipment bookings with your Cisco TMS or Polycom system.

What is Cisco TMS Integration?

Video conferencing (VC) system management software controls the delivery of audio and video content. The scheduling component within the software, however, is typically designed to be used by the person responsible for all technical aspects of the session; the problem is, technicians might be unavailable when video conferences need to be scheduled or changes need to be made. The solution to this problem is integration between your VC system management software and EMS. This simplifies the process and allows hosts to focus on other details of the meeting, and provides a cohesive and powerful way to book and manage video conferences. With this type of integration, you can coordinate all aspects of your organization's video conference efforts, from booking the room and reserving the equipment to ensuring that break services have been scheduled and attendees are aware of the event. Even if you are already using the standard functionality of EMS for video conference scheduling, this is another way to take your video conference scheduling to the next level.

How It Works

Cisco's TelePresence Management Suite (TMS) provides a 3rd Party Booking API that exposes Cisco TMS booking functionality to the EMS Cisco TMS Interface, which enables your organization to manage VC equipment directly through EMS. Once the interface is implemented at your organization and an expert user has confirmed a VC reservation, EMS transmits the request details TMS. The department responsible for the equipment completes the reservation as specified, and then approves and adds locations and details (such as turn-on time).

What is Polycom Integration?

While VC system management software controls the delivery of audio and video content, the scheduling component within the software is typically designed to be used by the person responsible for all technical aspects of the session. However, technicians might be unavailable when video conferences need to be scheduled or changes need to be made. There is a solution to this problem - integration between your VC system management software and EMS. This simplifies the process and allows the host to focus on other details of the meeting.

EMS-Polycom integration provides a cohesive and powerful way to book and manage video conferences. With the integration, you can coordinate all aspects of your video conference efforts, from booking the room and reserving the equipment to ensuring that break services have been scheduled and attendees are aware of the event. Even if your organization is using EMS’ standard functionality for video conference scheduling, this is another way to take your video conference scheduling to the next level. The integration requires the purchase of the Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager API directly from Polycom.

How Polycom Integration Works

Polycom provides a 3rd Party Booking API that exposes Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager booking functionality to external scheduling systems like EMS.


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