Configure Intents in the EMS Desktop Client

Intents are a way to group Everyday User Process templates into a list based on use cases. Intents make the selection process more intuitive for end-users. Administrators can configure up to 5 Intents. Everyday User Process templates can be assigned to only one intent.

Intents apply to EMS for Google Calendar, EMS for Outlook - Microsoft 365, and Direct Spaces.

  1. Navigate to ConfigurationEveryday User Applications > Intents tab.

  2. Enter an Intent Name (maximum 20 characters).
  3. Enter a Default Start Time and Default End Time.

    These fields are not used by EMS for Google Calendar.

  4. Enter a Menu Sequence.
  5. Click the Everyday User Process Template tab to assign Intents to a process template.

    To add all templates for your Everyday Users that match the Intent, click Move (>).

  6. Assign a priority value for these Intents.

    Enter a number in Edit Priority or use the Move Up and Move Down buttons to set a priority relative to the other templates linked to the Intent.

    Priority is required. Two process templates cannot have the same priority value. When using Intents, the Everyday User only views rooms associated with the template that has been assigned to the Intent. The highest priority template will be used for reservation with that Intent.

  7. The list of Intents appears in EMS for Google Calendar, EMS for Outlook - Microsoft 365, and Mobile App/Direct Spaces.


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