Add Services to a Meeting

  1. Click  My Events and open the reservation you want to edit.

  2. Click Add Services.

    Add Services is only available if your Administrator allows services for this type of meeting and for your user profile.

    To work with services click Manage Services.

  3. The Select Services screen shows attendees and existing services for the meeting. Click services you want to add from the list of available options.

    A message might display where you can specify a quantity for the item and add notes or special instructions. Click OK to save your changes.

  4. The right pane of the Select Services screen updates to show your latest additions. When you finish adding services for the meeting, click Next Step.

    The Add Services screen lists all bookings within the reservation you selected from My Events

  5. Select the booking to which you want to add services (if the reservation includes multiple booking, they are all listed here for you to select), and click Add Services.

    A confirmation message appears briefly.


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