Configure Confirmation Behavior for Everyday User Applications

When working with Everyday User Process Templates, you can set automated confirmations that generate when Everyday Users initiate reservations or bookings with specific templates. For example, you might want Everyday Users to always receive an email to confirm that a request for a room has been received and will be processed.

  1. From  the Everyday User Process Templates window, select the template.
  2. Click Confirmation.

  3. Click through the tabs specifying your Confirmation Settings.
    • Use the Options tab to set an email header and email footer for pre-configured messages (which you set under Configuration > Other > Messages).
    • Use the Web App Options tab to specify if and where a URL to the Web App should be included in the confirmation. You can also include a Message to include with the URL in the confirmation. You can also Configure the Confirmation Email Subject Line.​​​​​​

EMS Web App Link Settings Fields

Option Description
Display Web App Link Indicate whether a URL to the Web App will display in the confirmation as a Header, Footer, or at all.
Web App Link Message Indicate which Message, if any, to include with the URL to the EMS Web App in the confirmation. 

Learn how the Desktop Client user encounters these confirmations.


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