Use the Course Navigator

Use the Course Navigator in EMS Academic Planning to view and manage all aspects of a course. Access the Course Navigator from the Academic Browser, the Academic Book, and the EMS Navigator. Different tabs and panes on the Course Navigator provide different information about a course and course dates. The actions that you can carry out in the Course Navigator depend upon the mode (Read Only, Define and Edit Courses, Set Preferences, or Dual) that is enabled for the academic term with which you are working in EMS Academic Planning.

You can access the Course Navigator from the Academic Browser, the Academic Book, and the EMS Navigator:

  • From the Academic Browser, for an unpublished course, double-click the course in the search results to open the course in the Course Navigator.

  • From the Academic Book, for a published course, double-click the course entry in the Academic Book to open the course in the Navigator, and then click Course on the Course Info tab to open the course in the Course Navigator.

  • From the EMS Navigator, do the following in this order:

  1. On the toolbar, click the Navigator icon.

    The Open Navigator dialog opens.

  2. In Open, select Course.

    The Domain and Term fields open. 

  1. Select a domain and a term.

  2. In CRN, enter the CRN (course reference number) for the course.

  3. Click OK.

    • If the course is a non-published course, then the course opens in the Course Navigator.

    • If the course is a published course, then the course opens in the Navigator. Select the course on the Course Info tab, and then click Course to open the Course in the Course Navigator.

Course Navigator Window Layout 

The upper pane of the Course Navigator displays information about a selected course—the course title, the course term, the current course state (New, Edit, Unchanged, or Canceled), and so on.

The middle pane of the Course Navigator displays information about each of the course dates for the course. To view the indicated information for a course date, select a course date in the middle pane of the Course Navigator, and then open the appropriate tab (Dates, User Defined Fields, Shares Spaces, Preferences, or Final Exam Settings).

The History tabs in the middle and lower pane provide audit information for course records and course date records. To view changes made to course-level information, open the History tab in the middle pane of the Course Navigator. To view changes made to course date-level information, select a course date in the middle pane, and then open the History tab in the bottom pane of the Course Navigator.


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