Assign Rooms

After you complete the pre-assignment of rooms and/or room optimization, 4 options are available to resolve room assignments:

  1. Assign – Lists all rooms regardless of availability or preferences. It is intended to provide a means for you to quickly assign a room without going through the search process.
  2. Search – Initially lists any preferences and requirements that were specified during the Set Preferences mode. You can use these preferences as a basis for a room search or you can specify and/or clear other criteria to complete the room search.
  3. Unassign – Removes the Assigned status for a course. You can then use the Assign option or the Search option to assign a different room to the course. The Unassign option is available after you assign a room to a course, or search for a room, and then assign it to a course.
  4. Swap – Swap the room assignments of two courses. The swap option is only available after selecting two courses that have identical meeting patterns and that have been assigned to rooms.

Assign Rooms to Courses 

  1. Select the course, or Ctrl-click to select the multiple courses to which a room is to be assigned.
  2. On the Preassign Rooms or Resolve Room Assignments window, click Assign.

    The Room Selector dialog opens.

  3. In Building, select (all) buildings or select a specific building that contains the rooms that you are considering for assignment. The rooms are displayed in the dialog by default, only those rooms that can meet the enrollment expectations, regardless of availability are displayed. Rooms that are excluded from the scenario are marked with an asterisk (*), but you can override these rooms.
  4. Optionally, to display all rooms in the Room Selector dialog, clear Limit to Est. Enrollment.
  5. Select a room, and then click OK

    If the room could not be assigned to one or more courses because of a conflict, then a message opens indicating this. Click OK to close the message, and repeat this step until you successfully assign a room to the courses.

  6. Repeat Step 2 through Step 5 until you have successfully assigned rooms to all courses for the term. After you have assigned a room to a course, at any time, you can do any of the following:
    • To change a room assignment for a course, select a course for which a room has been assigned, and then click Unassign. You can then repeat Step 2 through Step 5 to assign a room to the course.
    • Courses that were pre-assigned are listed as Locked In. To re-optimize any portion of the course assignments, select one or more assigned courses (Ctrl-click to select multiple courses), and then click Lock In to lock in these additional courses, and then rerun your optimization scenario.
    • To swap the room assignments of two courses, Ctrl-click to select two courses with identical meeting patterns, and then click Swap.

Search for Rooms to Assign to a Course 

  1. Select the course to which a room is to be assigned.
  2. On the Pre-assign Rooms window, or the Resolve Room Assignments window, click Search. 

    The Room Search dialog opens. The preferences or requirements that the academic unit specified for the selected course during the Set Preferences mode are displayed at the top of the dialog. By default, these preferences are included in the search criteria.

  3. In the Search Preferences pane of the dialog, edit the search criteria as needed, and then click Next

    The Room Search dialog updates with a list of rooms that meet your search criteria. Rooms that have been excluded from the scenario are marked with an asterisk (*).

  4. Optionally, to view information about a room, select the room, and then click Room Info. Otherwise, go to Step 5. 

    The Room Info dialog opens. The dialog displays information about the room, including the room’s properties, the setup type, the room’s features, and so on. After you are done viewing the room’s information, click Close.

  5. On the Room Search dialog, select the room that is to be assigned to the course, and then click Select

    The room is assigned to the course. If the room is assigned from the Preassigned window, then it is also marked as Locked In. If there are rooms that meet your search criteria, but they have already been scheduled by other courses, then a Conflicts tab opens. Open the tab to review a list of these rooms.

  6. Repeat this procedure as needed to assign rooms to courses. After you have assigned a room to a course, at any time, you can do one or both of the following:
    • If you want to change a room assignment for a course, select a course for which a room has been assigned, and then click Unassign. You can then repeat Step 2 through Step 5 to assign a room to the course.
    • Courses that were pre-assigned are listed as Locked In. To reoptimize any portion of the course assignments, select one or more assigned courses (Ctrl-click to select multiple courses), and then click Lock In to lock in these additional courses, and then rerun your optimization scenario.
    • To swap the room assignments of two courses, Ctrl-click to select two courses with identical meeting patterns, and then click Swap.

To open the Resolve Room Assignments window, on the Scenarios window, click Resolve. The system does not require all courses to be assigned to rooms. Those courses that are left unassigned are placed in a special TBD room when publishing and can be assigned post-publish.


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