Work with Transaction

Working with transactions includes entering and voiding:

  • Adjustments.
  • Deposits (Damage, Booking, Reservation).
  • Payments
  • Prepayments.
  • Refunds.

Each type of transaction involves unique steps for entering them, but the task of voiding all these types of transactions are the same.

You might need to search for an existing transaction to determine if it has already been entered or voided.

Enter a Transaction: Adjustments, Deposits, Payments, Prepayments, Refunds

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Open the reservation in the Navigator and on the Transactions tab, click NewPayment. This method populates many fields with information for the reservation.

    • On the EMS Desktop Client menu bar, click Billing > PaymentsPayment Entry, and then on the Payment Entries window, click New. This method launches a blank Payment Entry form you must complete "from scratch".

  2. Select a Transaction Type: Adjustment, Damage Deposit, Deposit (Bookings), Deposit (Reservation), Payment, Prepayment, Refund.

    Your selection in this field affects your entries in other fields in this form. You can also void an existing transaction from this window by clicking the Void option.

    Types of Transactions (select type in Transaction Type field of Payment Entry Window)

    Transaction Type Description

    A price adjustment for the event, such as a discount or late charge.

    Damage Deposit

    A refundable amount to cover possible damages during the event.

    Deposit (Reservation)

    Deposit (Reservation) is best suited for reservations with one or more bookings that are to be invoiced in their entirety upon completion of the event.

    Deposit (Bookings)

    Deposit (Bookings) is best suited for reservations with multiple bookings, for example, an event with multiple occurrences spanning several months, that is to be billed monthly. A Deposit (Bookings) allows you to spread the deposit across multiple months so that only a portion of the deposit is consumed and applied to the invoice that is generated monthly. In this scenario, a large deposit that is entered as Deposit (Reservation) would be consumed in its entirety by the first invoice that is generated.

    Payment or Prepayment

    Remember that prepayments act just like deposits in that they are applied to a reservation and are applied to an invoice reducing the balance due. Payments are applied to an invoice.

    Refund Funds reimbursed to the payee.
  1. Enter additional information using the table below.

    Field Descriptions for Payment Entry Window



    Transaction Date

    The default value is the current day’s date. You can edit this value if needed.


    Select the department.

    Payment Type

    Select the payment type.

    Check No.

    Enter a check number if you selected “Check” as the payment Type.


    Enter the amount of the transaction. To decrease the invoice by this amount, enter a minus sign (-) before or after the amount.


    Select the currency for the transaction.

    Reservation No.

    Automatically populated if you opened this window from the Transaction tab in the Navigator; otherwise, enter a reservation number or Search for a reservation.

    Adjustments, Payments, Refunds: This field is not available for these transaction types since they are applied to invoices, not reservations.

    Invoice No.

    When required, Search for an invoice (with a specific date and Employee or Customer name from the Department you specified) to associate with this transaction .

    Deposits, Prepayments: This field is not required for deposits and prepayments since they are applied before an invoice is generated. The invoicing process totals the charges for the specified date range, consumes any applied reservation deposits, and results in a net balance due for the invoice. The invoicing process does not consume any Damage deposits.


    Optional. Enter other comments or statements that explain or clarify the transaction.

  2. Click OK

Void a Transaction 

  1. Open the reservation in the Navigator and on the Transactions tab, select the transaction you want to void (Ctrl-click to select multiple transactions), and then click Void

    A Void Reason dialog opens. You can also void a transaction from Transactions tab > Edit mode. You can also locate the transaction by date under the Billing > PaymentsPayment Entry option in the EMS Desktop Client menu bar. On the Payment Entry window that open, select Void.

  2. Enter the reason for voiding the transactions, and then click OK

    A confirmation message opens.

  3. Click OK.

    The Void column is set to Yes for each of the voided transactions in the Navigator.


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