Work with Reservations for a Group

You have a variety of options for working with the reservations for a group. You can:

  • Search for and make a reservation for a group from the Groups window.
  • Search for and make a reservation for a group from the group-specific window.
  • Search for reservations by group, and then open and view any existing reservations in the Navigator for a group from the group-specific window.
  • Reassign the reservations for a group or contact from the group-specific window.

In EMS Workplace, you can also make a group reservation from the Group Reservation window.

Work with Reservations for a Group 

  1. Open the Groups window and search for a group.
  2. On the Groups window, select the group, and then do one of the following:

Search for and View Reservations by Group from the 
Group-Specific Window 

  1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Reservations

    All reservations that have been made for the group in your EMS database and that have a date greater than or equal to the current day’s date are displayed in the right pane of the group-specific window.

    To show all reservations for the group, click Show Old.

  2. In the right pane of the group-specific window, select a reservation, and then click Open

    The reservation opens in the Navigator.

  3. Continue to the Navigator.

Search for and Make a Reservation for a Group from the Group-Specific Window

  1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Reservations

    All reservations for the group in your EMS database with a date greater than or equal to the current date, display in the right pane of the group-specific window.

    To show all reservations for the group, click Show Old.

  2. Click New

    The Reservation Wizard opens.

  3. Continue to Create a Reservation in the Reservation Wizard.

reassign a reservation for a group from the group-specific window

  1. In the left pane of the group-specific window, select Reservations

    All reservations for the group in your EMS database with a date greater than or equal to the current date, display in the right pane of the group-specific window.

    To show all reservations for the group, click Show Old.

  2. In the right-pane of the group-specific window, select the appropriate reservation, or Ctrl-click to select multiple reservations, and then click Reassign. The Reassign Group/Contact on Reservations dialog opens. 
  3. In Group, select the group to which you are reassigning the reservation, or click the Search icon to open the Groups window and search for the group.
  4. Optionally, edit any and/or all of the group information.



1st Contact

2nd Contact

The contact for the group to which you are reassigning the reservation.

If none of the pre-configured contacts is appropriate, then select (temporary contact) and in the Temp Contact field, enter the name of the temporary contact.



Email Address

The phone, fax, and email address for the contacts for the group to which the reservation is being reassigned. If you selected from the list of the pre-configured contacts, then some or all of this information might be automatically populated, but you can still edit the values. If you selected a (temporary contact), then you must enter this information for the contact.

Web User

The web user for the group. Initially, this field is set to (no change) which means that the web user for the group to which you are reassigning the reservation is to remain as is; however, if needed, you can click the Search icon to open the Web Users dialog and select a different web user.

  • You can search by User Name or Email Address.
  • To search a list of all available web users, leave the Search field in the Web Users dialog blank, and then click Display.
  • To search for a specific web user, enter a search string in Search, and then click Display.

The string is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact order of characters in the string and the string must begin with the information for which you are searching. For example, if searching by Email Address, a search string of bob returns but not

To return this field to the (no change) value at any time, click Reset.

  1. Click OK

    A Reassign Reservations confirmation message opens.

  2. Click Yes

    The Reassign Reservations message closes and a success Reassign Reservations message opens.

  3. Click OK

    The message closes, and the reassigned reservations are no longer displayed in the group-specific window.

Make a Group Reservation from the Group Reservation Window (EMS Workplace Only) 

  1. On the EMS Workplace toolbar, click the Group Reservation icon. 

    The Group Reservation window opens on the Results tab.

  2. Open the Filter tab, and search for the group for which you are making a reservation.

  3. Select the group and then click Reservation

    A list of the available Reservation Wizard templates opens.

  4. Select a template. 

    The Reservation Wizard opens. The name of the group for which you are making the reservation is displayed in the title bar of the Reservation Wizard. The Reservation Wizard template that you selected is displayed on the Wizard Template field at the top of the Reservation Wizard. You can also select a different template.

    Depending on how your EMS administrator has configured the template that you selected, you might be prompted to select a reservation start date before the Reservation Wizard opens.

  5. Continue creating the reservation as you normally would.


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