View Visitors

If visitors have been entered in your system, you can look them up in EMS Desktop Client.

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reservations > Other > Visitors.

    The Visitors window opens.

  2. Specify search criteria:
    • Start Date/End Date – The default value is the current day’s date.
    • Building – Select (all) buildings, a specific building, an area, or a view to search.
    • Show Cancelled – Select this option to search for registered attendees or visitors for canceled events.
    • Group – To search for registered attendees or visitors regardless of group, leave this field blank; otherwise, to search based on a specific group, enter a search string in the field.
    • Visitor – To search for a specific attendee or visitor, enter a search string in the field.
    • Include Checked In – Selected by default. Clear this option to search only for registered attendees and/or visitors who have not yet been checked in to their events.
  3. Click Display.

    The list refreshes to match your search criteria.

  4. Optionally, do one or more of the following:
    • To see the booking linked to the person, select an attendee or visitor from the search results, and then click Open to open the reservation in the Navigator that contains the booking that the attendee/visitor is attending.
    • To check a person in, select an attendee or visitor from the search results, or Ctrl-click to select multiple attendees/visitors, and then click Check In to “check in” the attendees/visitors to the event. A date and timestamp is added to each attendee’s/visitor’s record. (you can do the same to Check Out once people have checked in).
    • To export a list of people to a spreadsheet, on the Tools menu, click Export to export the list of attendees/visitors to a spreadsheet.
    • To print a list of people, on the Tools menu, or from the Visitors window, click Print to generate an onscreen preview of the list of attendees/visitors. A variety of options are available from this preview, including the options to email the list, to export the list to a .pdf, and so on.


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