Search with the Calendar

You use this window to search for reservations, bookings, and service orders in your EMS database. The results are listed in a calendar view. You can perform a basic search or an advanced search:

  • In a basic search, you specify basic information for a reservation when you first create it, such as the starting time, the end time, the group for which the event was scheduled, the group contact name, and so on.
  • An advanced search is a field-level search that is carried out at the reservation level, the booking level, the booking detail level, the booking detail item level, or any combination of these. For example, in an advanced search, you can specify criteria as granular as who added a specific booking detail item.

Search in the Calendar 

  1. On the EMS toolbar, click the Calendar icon. The Calendar window opens. When the Calendar window first opens, it defaults to the Results tab, set to the current month and year.

    The Options menu lets you set the Calendar to always display results when it first opens. Click the Get Data When Calendar Opens option.

  2. Click the Filter tab to set criteria for your search. Toggle between a Basic or Advanced search using a toggle button.

Basic Search 

  1. In Browse For, set the search to focus on Reservations, Bookings, or Service Orders.

  2. Enter search criteria using the fields as defined below.





    The default value is the current month and year, but you can change one or both of these values if needed.

    Include Canceled

    By default, search results are not set to show canceled bookings. Select this option if you want to search for canceled bookings as well.


    If the pre-defined list of groups is too extensive to scroll, then click the Search icon to open the Groups window and search for a specific group. See Search for a group and/or contact.

    1st Contact

    Reservation Event Name

    Enter a search string by which to filter your search. The search is not case-sensitive, but your search is limited to the exact order of characters in the string and it must begin with the information for which you are searching. For example, a search string of ed returns include Ed, Edward, Eddie, and so on, but not Ted or Fred.


    The default value is set to (all). You can leave this value as is, or you can select a specific building, area, or view.


    • If you select a specific building, then (all) rooms in the building are selected by default. You can select a specific room in the building.
    • If you select an area, then you can select a specific building that is contained in the area.
    • If you select a view, then Room is left blank; however, you can select a specific room to search.


    The default value is set to (all). You can leave this value as is, or you can select a specific category (booking detail).


    Available only if you select a category that is a resource or service order. The default value is set to (all). You can leave this value as is, or you can select a specific resource item.

    Booking Status

    The default value is set to (all). You can leave this value as is, or you can select a specific booking status.

  3. You can click Options and set additional search options: Date/Time Filter, Number of Records to Return, Get Data when Calendar Opens, When Filtering By Specific Room, and Change Calendar Day Count Color.

  4. Click Get Data or Refresh. The search results are listed on the Results tab in a calendar view. The number of bookings that meet the search criteria is indicated on the dates on which the events occur. The current day’s date is outlined in black. By default, the number of events is indicated in red unless you selected a different color for the Change Calendar Day Count Color. Any color that you pick here is carried over to the same option for the Resource Calendar.

  5. Change the Browse For field at the top to see Reservations, Bookings, or Service Orders. Click on a date in the upper pane to see items for the date in the lower pane of the tab.

    You can do the following from this page:

    • Open a reservation. booking, or service order: double-click on the item in the lower pane to open it in the Navigator.

    • Click Print to print the search results.

    • Email attendees: select an event and either click Email (if enabled) to start a pre-addressed SMTP email to the group for that event (see Send Email from EMS), or click Outlook > Send Invitation (if enabled) to message attendees via Outlook. Your Administrator must set a system parameter to enable these functions.

    • Click Export to export the search results to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

    • Work with Service orders: To mark Service Orders as Reviewed, select the service order, or Ctrl-click to select multiple service orders, and then click Review > Mark as Reviewed. To change the state of Service Orders, click Change State. For detailed instructions in using the page that appears next, see Search for Service Orders.

    • Click Filter. The Filter tab opens. Make any changes to the search criteria, and then repeat the search.

    • Click Refresh to query the database based on the revised search criteria.

  6. Click Close to save your changes and settings.

    To reset the columns to their default values, click Reset.

Advanced Search 

  1. Click Advanced.

  2. Month and Year default to the current month and year. You can enter different values as needed.

  3. Click Options if you want to add the search options: Date/Time Filter, Number of Records to Return, Get Data when Calendar Opens, When Filtering By Specific Room, and Change Calendar Day Count Color.

  4. Set search criteria in the remaining fields as needed.

  5. Click Get Data or Refresh. Search results are listed on the Results tab just like they were for your Basic Search, with the same options for working with the results.

  6. Click Close to save your changes and settings.


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