Generate Word Merge Documents for Custom Documentation

EMS provides options for producing pre-formatted documents that contain reservation information such as confirmations. Your organization, however, might have organization-specific information that must be included in these documents. If your organization has purchased and implemented the optional Word Merge module, you can generate Word Merge documents to produce custom confirmations, contracts, and so on that contain not only selected reservation information from EMS, but also, any information that is required by your organization. Because these documents are generated in a Word format (.docx), you cannot print them or email them from EMS.

  1. Open the reservation in the Navigator. See:
  2. In the left pane of the Navigator, do one of the following:
    • Select the reservation for which you are generating the confirmation.
    • Select the reservation for which you are generating the confirmation, and then in the Bookings (lower right) pane, select the booking for which you are generating the confirmation.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • If you are generating a confirmation for a reservation, then open the Reservation Summary tab or Properties tab in the upper right pane of the Navigator, and then click Confirmation.
    • If you are generating a confirmation for a selected booking, then open the Booking Summary tab in the upper right pane of the Navigator, and then click Confirmation.

    The Confirmation dialog opens. The Date Range tab is the active tab.

  4. At the top of the Confirmation dialog, click Word Merge. The Word Merge Documents dialog opens. It displays all the Word Merge documents that your EMS administrator has configured for your organization-specific documents such as confirmations, contracts, and so on.

  5. Select the appropriate Word Merge document, and then optionally, do one or both of the following:
    • To attach the document at the reservation-level for the selected reservation, click Attach to Reservation.
    • Select the attachment type.
  6. Click Generate. A message opens, indicating that the Word Merge was successful, and asking you if you want to view the document.
  7. Optionally, click Yes. The document opens in Microsoft Word. You can now use any of the standard Word functions to save the document, to print the document, attach the document to email, and so on.

To save a copy of the document in your EMS database, you must do one of the following:

  • Attach the document to the reservation.
  • Open and view the document and save it as a Word document.


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