Drawings in the Navigator

The term drawing is used to describe a file (text-based or image file) that you can add to a booking. The file can be stored on your organization's network, or you can create a drawing "on the fly" in the default drawing program on your EMS client and then add it to a booking. Typically, a drawing is a setup diagram of the booking room. You can also detach a drawing from a booking, and view and edit a drawing.

Work with Drawings in the Navigator

  1. Open the reservation in Navigator.
  2. In the left pane, expand the folder structure for the reservation until the booking folder is visible, and then select the booking.
  3. In the right pane, open the Drawing tab.
  4. Continue to one of the following:

Attach a Stored Drawing to a Booking 

  1. Click New > Attach

    The Drawing dialog opens.

  1. In Description, enter a name or description for the drawing (maximum of 50 characters, including spaces). If you leave this field blank, then Description populates with the name of the file after you attach it to the booking.
  2. Click Search

    The Find Drawing dialog opens. Browse to and select the drawing. The file name for the drawing displays in the Drawing field.

  3. Optionally, do one or both of the following:
    • If you left Description blank, then the name of the attached file is used by default for the file description, and you can edit this if needed.
    • Click Spelling to spell check the description before you attach the drawing to the booking.
  4. Click OK

    The drawing is attached to the booking.

Create a Drawing "On the Fly" and Attach It to a Booking

  1. Click NewCreate

    The application you selected as your default drawing application for your EMS client opens.

    You specify your default drawing application in your user preferences.

  2. Create and save the drawing.

Detach a Drawing from a Booking 

  1. Select the drawing or Ctrl-click to select the multiple drawings.
  2. Click Detach

    A confirmation message opens.

  3. Click Yes

    The selected drawings are detached from the booking.

Edit a Drawing for a Booking 

  1. Select the drawing and then click Edit

    The Drawing dialog opens.

  2. Do one or both of the following:
    • Edit the description (maximum of 50 characters, including spaces).
    • Click the Search icon to open the Find Drawing dialog and scroll to and select a different drawing.
  3. Optionally, click Spelling to spell check the description before you attach the drawing to the booking.
  4. Click OK

View a Drawing for a Booking 

Your computer must have the appropriate application installed to view drawings of a specific type. For example, to open a .vsd file that is attached to a booking, Microsoft Visio must be installed on your computer.

  1. Select the drawing and then click Open

    The file opens in the appropriate application.

  2. Close the application after viewing the drawing, or if the application allows it, edit the drawing as needed, and then save the drawing. The next time you open the drawing in the Navigator, you can see your changes.


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