Delete Booking Details Wizard

You use the Delete Booking Details Wizard to delete one or more booking details that do not have invoiced items from multiple bookings in a single step. When you delete a booking detail from a booking, any items that have been added for the detail are also deleted.

  1. Find and select the parent reservation in the Navigator, and click ToolsDelete Booking Details Wizard
  1. The Delete Booking Details Wizard lists all the categories (booking details) that are already in use for any of the bookings in the selected reservation.
  1. Select the category of details you want to delete (or click Select All to select all categories in a single step), and click Next
  2. The next window lists all the bookings for the selected reservation. Select the bookings for which you want to delete details.
  1. Click Finish

    A confirmation message opens.

  2. Click OK.


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