Check in Visitors

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Reservations > Other > Visitors.

    The Visitors window opens.

  2. Open the Groups tab (sometimes relabeled "Employees" or "Customers").

    Once you have added the new visitor, the Print Badge​​​​​​ button becomes enabled on the screen above so you can print badges.

  3. Find the group or individual hosting the new visitor; specify search criteria:

    • Start Date/End Date – The default value is the current day’s date.
    • Building – Select (all) buildings, a specific building, an area, or a view to search.
    • Group – Enter some or all of the hosting group’s name.
  4. Click Display.

    The groups and people that meet your search criteria display in the Visitors window.

    To view the booking a person is attending, click Open. This opens the reservation in the Navigator that contains the booking that the unregistered visitor is attending.

  5. Select the hosting group from the search results, and then click New Visitor.

    The New Visitor dialog opens. When you create this visitor account, they will be associated with the group or individual you selected in the window above.

  6. Enter the information for the unregistered visitor, and then click OK.

    The Visitors window opens with the group and newly configured visitor automatically selected. Building and Name are required fields. Depending on how your EMS administrator configured your system, Company Name, Email Address and/or Phone might be required. Notes are always optional. If you selected a specific building in Step 3, then the Building field is automatically populated with the name of the building in which the event is scheduled and you cannot edit this value; however, if you have set your preferences for buildings such that this building is not available to you, then the Building field cannot be populated with the correct value, and you cannot add the new visitor.

  7. Repeat above steps as needed to add all new visitors to the event.

    The information in the Event column for each new visitor is determined by your administrator's settings (specified when configuring the event building). For example, “Unregistered Visitor” might be displayed. The date and time when you add an unregistered visitor to an event is used as the check-In date and time for the visitor.


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