Assign Everyday Users to a Group

When you add a new group in your EMS database, you should also assign an everyday user to the group. This everyday user can then create and view reservations on behalf of the group in EMS Web App. You can assign a group to one or more Everyday Users.

  1. On the toolbar, click the Groups icon.
  1. Select the group you want to assign to Everyday Users, and then click Tools > Assign to Everyday Users

    The Assign Group dialog opens. 

  1. To assign Everyday Users to the group, find the users.
  2. Click Display to open a list of all active Everyday Users or Search By Email Address or User Name.
  3. Once you have found and selected the everyday user to assign, click Move (>) to move the selected users to the Selected list.
  4. Click Finish

    A success message opens.

  5. Click OK.


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