Add Booking Detail Items to Multiple Bookings

You use the Add Item Wizard to add booking detail items to multiple bookings for categories that are already added to the bookings. For example, you can use this Wizard to add food service items only if any of the bookings already has food service added as a booking detail.

  1. In the Navigator, open the reservation using one of the following:
  2. In the left pane of the Navigator, select the reservation to which you are adding the booking detail items.
  3. In the Bookings pane, click Tools, and then click Add Item Wizard

    The Add Item Wizard opens. The first window in this Wizard, the Select Category window, displays only those categories that are already in use for any of the bookings in the reservation. 

  1. Select the category to which you want to add items.
  2. Click Next

The steps that you follow depend on the category type.


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