Web Deployment

EMS Desktop Web Deployment feature allows for easy deployment of the desktop to your end users. It also incorporates a central source for posting application updates. These updates are applied to your end users' computers automatically once deployed to the server.

EMS Desktop Web Deployment is an alternative method for installing EMS Desktop Client locally on individual user machines. This solution is not a replacement for the EMS Web Client that was discontinued after V43, it's an alternative to using Microsoft® methods of deployment, such as SCCM. Administrators can use it to host EMS Desktop Client on a web server, with the ability to push the URL to any EMS Administrators so they can download EMS Desktop Client without needing Administrative Privileges on their local machine. 

Working of Web Deployment

The Web Deployment application is installed on your web server. The EMS Desktop Application is included within this installation. Once installed, the end users point their web browsers to the web deploy application, that links them to download the EMS Client. Once the user downloads and runs that link, the Desktop Client is installed within the user's profile on that workstation. Once installed, the EMS Desktop Client Application checks the server for an updated version each time the client is launched. If a new version is available, it automatically downloads and installs the update.

Networking Components

  • The Web Server can be accessed by IP Address or Hostname. Port configuration is managed within IIS.
  • If HTTPS is leveraged, you need to have a certificate assigned to the binding within IIS. This certification must be trusted by the workstations that runs the desktop client.
  • The Web Server hosting the Web Deploy Application needs to have access to the Database server. The administrative users who leverage the desktop client need access to the Web Server.

Optional Connections

The Desktop client can connect to these services:

  • SMTP Server
  • LDAP Server
  • Global Address Book Searches
  • Admin User Authentication
  • Web Process Template Configuration (Assigning LDAP Groups to Web Process Templates)

Architecture Diagram



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