View and Email Logged-In Users

A user who is currently logged in to your EMS system is referred to as an active user. You view logged-in users and if necessary, log these users off your EMS system. You can also send an email to all users who are currently logged in to EMS.

To receive email, a user must have an email address configured for their user account.

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click System Administration > Tools > Active Users.

    The Active Users window opens. This window lists all the users who are currently logged in to your EMS system, the date and time they logged in to the system, and in multi-EMS database environments, the database that they are logged in to. An asterisk (*) marks the user account that you used to log in.

  2. Optionally, do one or both of the following:

    • To log a user off of the system, select the user, or Ctrl-click to select multiple users, and then click Logout.

      Users who are logged off of the system can complete the process they are currently involved in, but when they attempt to start another process, a message opens informing them that they have been logged out and must restart EMS.

    • To send an email to a user, select the user and then click Email. A blank email, preaddressed to the user, opens. The To field populates with the email address that was defined for the user, but you can edit this. Create and send the email as you normally would.


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