Resource Configuration Wizard

When you configure resources for a category, you can configure a single resource at a time through the Resources window, or you can use the Resource Configuration Wizard to configure multiple resources. You typically use the Resource Configuration Wizard to configure multiple resources that have common properties, such as grouping, account, and EMS Web App settings. Instead of configuring these resources individually with these same properties, you can use the Resource Configuration Wizard to configure these resources in a single step.

If a resource property, such as pricing, is not available in the Resource Configuration Wizard, you must individually Configure Resources for a Category.

To configure multiple resources:

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click ConfigurationResources

    A list opens of all the categories currently configured in your EMS database and for which you can configure resources.

  2. Select the category for which you are configuring the resources. 

    The Resources window opens with all the resources that are currently configured in your EMS database for the selected category with an Active status.

  3. On the Resource window, click Wizard

    The Resource Configuration Wizard opens.

  4. Configure the properties.




Select the grouping for the resources. If a grouping is not available, you can Configure Groupings for a Resource.


Select the internal account which is to receive the revenue from the use of the resource. If the appropriate account is not available, you can Configure Accounts.


The number of users that can be served by the resource. For example, one lunch buffet might serve ten people.

Min. Quantity

The minimum quantity of the resource that a user must order.


Select this option and leave Yes selected to indicate that the resource is internal to your organization.

Used for internal reporting purposes only. The resource is not printed on external documents, such as confirmations and invoices, and it is not hidden in any area of your EMS application.

Available to Everyday Users

If these resources must be available for EMS Web App users who select this category, select this option, and then leave Yes selected. To remove these resources as an option for EMS Web App, select No.

Not available if Override Description is selected.

Available at Checkout

If these resources are to be displayed on the “checkout” page (the last page in the Room Request process) in EMS Web App, then select this option, and then leave Yes selected. Tor remove these resources from the “checkout” page, select No.

Not available if Available to Everyday Users is not selected.


To add the resources as active resources to the EMS database, select this option, and then leave Yes selected. To inactivate these resources, select No.

  1. Click Next

    The second page of the Resource Configuration Wizard opens. All the configured resources in your EMS database for the selected category with an Active status display on the page.

    To show all resources for the category that are in your EMS database regardless of status, under Show, click Inactive.

  2. On the Available list, select the resource, or Ctrl-click to select the multiple resources that you are configuring with these properties, and then click Move (>) to move the selected resources to the Selected list.
  3. Click Finish

    A message appears indicating that the resource properties were set successfully.

  4. Click OK


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