Import Resources for a Category

You can import resources for a category from a tab-delimited file. Use the Resource Import File Specifications. After you import the resources, you can edit their configurations.

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > Resources.

    A list of configured categories in your EMS database and for which you can configure resources opens.

  2. Select the category for which you are importing the resources.

    The Resources window opens. This window lists all the resources that are currently configured in your EMS database for the selected category with a status of Active.

  3. On the Resources window, click Import.

    The Import Resources dialog opens.

  4. Click the Search icon.

    The Find Resource Import File dialog opens.

  5. Browse to and select the resource file that to import.
  6. In Rate Schedule, select the rate schedule that applies to the resource.
  7. Click Import.

    A dialog opens, indicating the number of resources that you are about to import and asking you if you want to continue.

  8. Click Yes.

    A success message appears.

  9. Click OK.


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