Edit System Parameters

System parameters are global settings that affect all your EMS users, your EMS Web App users, or your EMS Kiosk users. The parameters are grouped first by system (All Applications, EMS Desktop Client, EMS Web App, or EMS Kiosk) and then by the functional areas that they affect (Billing, Email, and so on). When any system is first installed, the parameters are set to their default value. Although you can edit the value for a system parameter whenever necessary, you typically set the value for a system parameter when you are configuring your EMS Desktop Client, EMS Web App, or EMS Kiosk implementations.

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click System Administration > Settings > Parameters.

    The Parameters window opens. It lists all the parameter settings that affect all EMS users (All Applications tab), EMS Desktop Client users, all EMS Web App users (Everyday User Applications tab), and all EMS Kiosk users (Kiosk tab).

  1. Open the tab that contains the parameter that you are editing. To change field labels as they appear to your end-users, in Area, filter by Labels.

    You can filter the list by area, by the parameter description, or both. To filter by the parameter description, in Filter, enter a search string (characters must be in exact order but are not case-sensitive). For example, a search string of Security will result in both Security Status for a User and Default Security Template for a User.

  2. Select the parameter that you are editing, and click Edit.

    The Parameter dialog opens, showing information you can edit for the parameter. Each type of parameter might have special options that impact Everyday Users. This affects EMS Web App.

  3. Edit the parameter as needed, and click OK.
  4. Confirm in the Value column that you have correctly edited the value for the parameter.
  5. Click Close.
    • If you edited EMS Desktop Client parameters, you might have to log out and then log back in to EMS Desktop Client for your changes to take effect.
    • If you edited Everyday User Applications parameters, a message opens indicating that you must clear the EMS Web App cache for the changes to take affect. Click OK to close the message. To clear the EMS Web App cache, log in to EMS Web App, and click Admin > Admin Functions > Clear Cache.
    • If you edited EMS Kiosk parameters, a message opens indicating that EMS Kiosk parameters have changed, and that you must clear the EMS Kiosk cache for the changes to take affect. Click OK to close the message. To clear the EMS Kiosk cache, open the EMS Kiosk config.aspx page.


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