EMS System Parameters

Below are the parameters for EMS Desktop Client and EMS Desktop Client — Academic Planning .

EMS Desktop Client

Parameters for the EMS Desktop Client are broken into the following Areas: 


Title Description Value Example/Notes
Determine Invoice Due Date by Adding 'xx' Days Sets the number of days specified to determine the invoice due date (e.g., 30 days). When creating an invoice in EMS, the due date will be pre-populated by this parameter.   15, 30, 60, 90
Service Order End Time if None Specified Select Event Time or Reserved Time as the Service Order End Time, unless otherwise specified. If no end time is entered in the service order time field, whatever is in this parameter will take effect. Reserved Time or Event Time A resource costs 10/hour based on Service Order Time.   The parameter is set to "Event Time" and the booking is from 8 am - 5 pm.  The Event End Time with a 5:30 Reserved End time.    The resource will be in use starting at 9 am but no end time on the resource is set.  Therefore, the resource will be in use until 5 pm and will be billed from 9 am until 5 pm.


Title Description Value Example/Notes
Enable Email Support When set to YES, you can email a Confirmation to the contact person or group that is making a reservation directly from EMS in Navigator > Confirmation. If parameter is set to NO, the 'Email' button is grayed out on the Confirmation screen. Yes/No The attachment is saved at the Reservation level on the e-mail tab.    If set to YES, you can view the attachment.   If set to NO, you can see that an attachment was sent with the confirmation by the indicator YES and a check box "attachment" but you cannot view the attachment.
SMTP - Save Email Attachments (Database Size Will Increase) When set to YES, email attachments are saved. Yes/No Default is NO.
SMTP - Use SSL Used if your SMTP Server is enabled for SSL. Yes/No  
SMTP Security Protocol The security protocol for the mail server used to send emails on behalf of the everyday user applications. (none), TLS, SSL3  

Groups & Contacts

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Default Address Format as International If enabled, the International address checkbox is enabled by default when creating a new Group or Contact record and the fields 'State' and 'Zip' do not appear when creating a new Group. Yes/No Default is NO.
Default Country Default Country for creating a new Group or Contact record. If set to a particular country, new Groups will have this country as their default. Default is blank for none USA, Australia, etc.
Default Pricing Plan For New Groups If this field is populated with a pricing plan, new Groups will inherit this pricing plan as they are added to the EMS database. Pricing Plans are configured in the EMS Desktop Client in Configuration > Billing > Pricing Plans   Default is (none).
Default Require Contact If enabled, the Require Contact checkbox is enabled by default when creating a new Group record. A user must therefore also create at least one Contact record for the Group.  Yes/No Default is NO.
Group Bad Status Title Label used for “Bad” value on the Group Status field. On the Billing Information tab of the Group record there is a field for status with values Bad, OK or Warning. These three labels can be changed to suit organization's business rules. If the Group status is set to "Bad", no reservations can be made for this Group. Bad Delinquent, Do not Book
Group OK Status Title Label used for “OK” value on the Group Status field. OK Good Standing.
Group Warning Status Title Label used for “Warning” value on the Group Status field. If the Group status is set to "Warning," a message appears when this group is selected, however a reservation can still be made for this Group. Warning Slow paying.
Offer Drop-Down Selection of Groups When set to YES, the system automatically populates the Group window with all active groups in your EMS database. A user can enter a search string in the 'Starts with' field and the list of groups that meet the search criteria is dynamically updated as the user enters the string. When set to “No,” users must manually search for groups. Typically, only very large organizations will set this parameter to NO. Yes/No Typically set to YES.
Pricing Plan Required For Groups If enabled, a user must specify a Pricing Plan when creating or editing a Group record. Pricing Plans are configured in the EMS Desktop Client in Configuration > Billing > Pricing Plans. Typically used when the customer wants to include a pricing plan on a Group record. Yes/No Typically set to NO.
Show Account Field On Group If enabled, an Account field is displayed on a Group record. Accounts are usually created for purposes of tracking revenue tied to resources. The Account field on the Group record can be used for other purposes such as tying a salesperson to a Group. Yes/No Typically set to NO.

Integration to Microsoft Exchange

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Allow date/time changes on PAM Bookings in EMS Client If set to NO, the EMS Desktop Client user will not be able to change date or time on bookings made through EMS for Outlook or an Exchange-enabled template. Yes/No The reason a customer might want this set to NO, is so that an EMS Desktop Client user will not be able to change the date or time of a meeting that is on a person's calendar.
Enables accepting or declining for rooms in Exchange TwoWay sync

If set to Yes, rooms in Exchange TwoWay Sync will be accepted

(Not a finalized parameter)

Exchange Integration Web Service URL The URL for the Exchange Integration Web Service.   https://www.yourdomain.com/ExchangeIntegrationWebService/service.asmx  

Integration to MSGraph Api

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Enables Integration into MSGraph APIs Shows the value of "enable/disable exchange sync" in the Calendaring area of the Platform Admin page. Used to turn 2 way ERI on and off. Yes/No  
The MSGraph Tenant ID used when communicating with MSGraph APIs

Used for EMS integration to Exchange Online for Office 365.


EMS for Outlook-Specific

Title Description Value Example/Notes
Display Filters before showing Rooms Enables you to choose whether to filter the rooms displayed. Yes/No Filtering rooms provides a better user experience, especially for large organizations with multiple locations.

Number of Available Rooms upon Search in Outlook

Controls the maximum number of room search results. Numeric (<500) For optimal performance, set to 50 or less.

Show Attendees in Book

Enables you to choose whether to show attendees on the Schedule view.


It is a best practice to set this to Yes.

Edit Text to display under icon in EMS for Outlook

Customizes your EMS for Outlook icon.


Only available in versions later than V44.1.

Text to append to EMS for Outlook meetings

Adds text to meetings created using the EMS for Outlook add-in.


Can be plain text with a 50 character limit; HTML is not supported. The text you enter will be added to the meeting body.

Hide EMS ID in EMS for Outlook Enables you to hide the EMS ID in the meeting body of an EMS for Outlook appointment. Yes/No  

Integration to Google G Suite

Title Description Value Example/Notes
When G Suite integration is enabled, sync events from G Suite to EMS This parameter allows you to enable G Suite to EMS synchronization Yes/No To enable G Suite-to-EMS synchronization, set the parameter to Yes.


Title Description Value Example/Notes
1st Contact Title First contact field on a reservation.   1st Contact, Primary Contact, Assistant, Booked By
2nd Contact Title Second contact field on a reservation.   2nd Contact, Secondary Contact, Back-up Assistant, Backup Contact
Attendee Company Name Label for the Company field of an attendee within an Attendees-type Category. Attendee type categories are typically used to add people to an event. Each of these fields can be relabeled based on the customer's needs and how they are using this category.   Company Name
Attendee Email Address Label for the Email Address field of an attendee within an Attendees-type Category.   Email Address
Attendee Name Label for the Name field of an attendee within an Attendees-type Category.   Name, Attendee, Visitor, Participant
Attendee Notes Label for the Notes field of an attendee within an Attendees-type Category.   Notes, Comments
Attendee Phone Label for the Phone Number field of an attendee within an Attendees-type Category.   Phone
Attendee Visitor Label for the Visitor field of an attendee within an Attendees-type Category.   Visitor
Check Number Title The label for the Check No. field within a Transaction. This field displays on the payment window.   Check No., Journal Entry #, Charge Code
Default Phone 1 Label The label for the first phone number field under a Contact when creating or modifying a reservation. You can also create a list of options to provide a choice. This list is created in the Phone/Fax Labels List parameter. 10 characters Phone, Primary, Office, Mobile, Fax, Other
Default Phone 2 Label The label for the second phone number field under a Contact when creating or modifying a reservation. You can also create a list of options to provide a choice. This list is created in the Phone/Fax Labels List parameter. 10 characters  
Event Coordinator Title The label for the Event Coordinator field on a Reservation or Group.  Event Coordinator Scheduler, Banquet Manager, Event Captain
External Reference Title The label for the External Reference field. This field is on the Group Record. This field is also used to link Everyday Users to the Group record.   External Reference, ID Number, Charge Number
Payment Type Title Plural The plural label for the Payment Type field within a Transaction. This field displays on the payment window. Plural Payment Types, Payment Methods
Payment Type Title Singular The singular label for the Payment Type field within a Transaction. This field displays on the payment window. Singular  
Phone/Fax Labels List Options available as a field in the Phone 1 and Phone 2 fields when creating or editing a Group, a Contact, or a Reservation. Enter options as text separated by semicolons. Default options are Phone, Fax, Mobile, and Other.   Primary, Office, Mobile, Fax, Other
Sales Category Title Plural The plural label for the Sales Category field. This field is on the Group record and is exposed on the 3rd screen of the Reservation Wizard. The field displays on the query builder but on no other report. This field is often re-labeled and used for tracking other information at the reservation and/or Group level. Plural Sales Categories.
Sales Category Title Singular The singular label for the Sales Category field. Singular Sales Category.
Salesperson Title The label for the Salesperson field on a Reservation or Group.     


Area Title Description Value Example/Notes
LDAP LDAP - Ignore Desktop Client Domain   Yes/No Default is NO.


Area Title Description Value Example/Notes
Messaging Number of concurrent emails that can be sent by one platform service instance. This parameter is not used by any EMS application. It will be removed in an upcoming update.    


Area Title Description Value Example/Notes
Notifications Allow Users To Delete Notifications When set to YES, this parameter allows users to delete notifications from the Dashboard. Yes/No  
Notifications Exclude Building Closures On Notifications When set to NO, building closures are not excluded from notification date calculations. Yes/No

Parameter is set to YES.   A Building is closed on the 9th, 10th and 11th (three days).  Today is the 4th.     A notification is set to trigger within 10 days.  Something is done on the 16th that triggers the notification.  IT WILL be triggered because even though the 16th is more than 10 days away from the 4th, we are subtracting (excluding) three days.    Next, something is done on the 18th that triggers the notification. It will NOT trigger because the 18th is 14 days from the 4th and when you subtract three closed days - you are outside of 10 days.


Notifications Exclude Weekends On Notifications When set to NO, weekends are not excluded from notification date calculations. Yes/No

Parameter is set to YES.   Group notification is set to remind Group 10 days prior to booking.   Today is Wednesday the 4th and a meeting will take place on Wednesday the 18th. Therefore, a reminder notification will get triggered to the recipient on Wednesday the 4th because that is 14 days less four weekend days (thus 10 days).

    If a Group reminder is set to be sent at 4 pm and the bookings on the 18th ends before 4 pm, no Group reminders will be triggered.

No reminders will go to recipients who have bookings that end before notification is to be sent.

If both the "Exclude Building Closures on Notifications" and "Exclude Weekends on Notifications" parameters are set to YES, add the number of days excluded together in your calculation. Both will be taken into account.

Notifications Ignore Building Closure/Weekend Notification Settings Beyond xx Days Specifies the number of days after which building closures and/or weekends are ignored for notification date calculations.   999


Area Title Description Value Example/Notes
Platform Allow multiple platform sessions to share the same token. If set to YES, EMS Platform Services will return the "same" value user token if multiple calls to authentication are made.   If set to NO, EMS Platform Services will generate a new token for each authentication call.   The Default value of the parameter is YES.    Yes/No If set to YES, a user will be able to log into the same application (e.g., mobile) on multiple devices.   If set to NO, the user will have only one active session for an application on one device.   As soon as the user logs on to the same app on the other device, he will be logged out of the first app.


Area Title Description Value Example/Notes
Reports Calendar Inquiry Print Format Default format for the Event Calendar report. Formats are configured in Configuration > Other > Calendar Styles.   A calendar format could be created to show just certain fields and for only certain buildings, event types and statuses (e.g., a calendar of G building events in confirmed status for only Public Meeting event types).
Reports Confirmation Summary Room Description Format Determines how room information is displayed when sending the "Summary" format of the Confirmation in an email body text. Options are Building Code + Room Code or Building Description + Room Code. Building Code Room Code, Building Description Room Code  
Reports Include Activities on Service Order Forms If disabled, Activities-type Categories are not included on Service Order reports. Yes/No  
Reports Include Catering Details on Setup Worksheet If enabled, Resource Items within Catering-type Categories are displayed on the Setup Worksheet report. Yes/No Typically set to YES so reports will show all details of the Catering order.
Reports Include this Notes Category on Service Order Forms Determine which Notes-type Category, if any, is included on Service Order reports. Only one Notes-type Category can be selected for all Service Orders. Yes/No A customer can create a Notes Category called "Catering Notes." If this Category is selected in this parameter, the "Catering Notes" will print on the Service Order Forms.
Reports Room Description Format Determines how room information displays on reports and the detailed Confirmation. Options are Room Code or Room Description, with or without Building Code. Building Code Room Code, Building Code Room Description, Room Code, Room Description Room Description typically gives a better description of the room as the Room Description field holds more characters.
Reports Use Calendar Styles Select YES to enable the use of calendar styles on the Event Schedule report and on the Event Calendar report. Calendar Styles are created in the EMS Desktop Client under Configuration > OtherCalendar Styles. Yes/No A Calendar Style could be created to show a unique font, font style, size, color. This Calendar Style can be attached to a Reservation. If this parameter is set to YES, on the report, the booking will adopt the Calendar Style and "stand out."


Area Title Description Value Example/Notes
Reservations Allow Bookings To Be Added To Outlook Personal Calendar If enabled, EMS Desktop Client users can select an Outlook option in the Navigator, Browser, and Calendar to add bookings to their personal calendars. Users must have Outlook application locally installed. Does not create an ICS file and/or work with other mail exchange systems (e.g., Gmail). If the booking gets changed or canceled, the event will remain on the calendar as originally placed. Yes/No  
Reservations Book Building Closed Color The color that displays in the Reservation Book to indicate building closures. Infinite Color Options  
Reservations Book Special Date Color The color that displays in the Reservation Book to designate special dates. Infinite Color Options  
Reservations Book Weekend Color The color that displays in the Reservation Book to designate weekends. Infinite Color Options  
Reservations Building Display Indicates how building information is displayed in reservations within the desktop client—by Building Code (if one exists) or Building Description. Building Code, Building Description Building Code Room Code.
Reservations Default Event Coordinator If this is set to YES, and an EMS Desktop Client user's ID is flagged as an Event Coordinator, every reservation that the EMS Desktop Client user makes from the Desktop Client will be populated with his/her name in the Event Coordinator field in the Reservation. If the EMS Desktop Client user's ID is not flagged as an Event Coordinator and this parameter is set to YES, the Event Coordinator field will be required but and another Event Coordinator will need to be selected. Yes/No Default is NO.
Reservations Exclude Room Charge from Services indicator In various locations in the EMS Desktop Client (e.g., the Book, the Navigator, and Editing a Booking), a visual indicator is provided when services (i.e., Categories) exist for a booking. If this parameter is enabled, then the "Room Charge" Category is excluded from displaying as a service on the booking. Yes/No Typically set to NO, as most customers do not consider Room Charge to be a "service."
Reservations Lock Booking Details If Booking Is Locked This parameter works in tandem with "Lock Bookings Older Than 'xx' days."   If a booking is locked due to age, booking details within the booking are also locked if Parameter is set to YES.   However, if this parameter is set to NO, the booking details remain editable, even though the booking is locked. Yes/No A customer can lock a booking date/time but be able to edit the booking details.   In this scenario, it doesn't matter if the booking is locked because of the "lock bookings older than XX days" or booking is locked because of being invoiced.
Reservations Lock Bookings Older Than 'xx' Days Past bookings beyond this number of days are automatically locked and cannot be edited. Numeric A customer needs to provide a numeric value for the number of days to lock bookings from being edited so that EMS Desktop Client users cannot change historical data past XX days.
Reservations Lock Occurring/Past Reservations For Non-Administrators If enabled, users without administrator access cannot edit the Reservation Level once a booking within the Reservation is in the past.  Yes/No A customer can enable this parameter so the Group does not get changed on a recurring reservation. Changing the Group on a reservation that has bookings in the past makes it seem as though the new Group has always had this reservation when in fact, they did not.
Reservations Notifications/Automated Reports Data Format Controls how the date appears within Group Notification Emails or Automated Report emails. Short, International, Long  
Reservations Reservation Book 'Checked In' Color Color of bookings in the Book that have been checked in. Use of this color is controlled in the Book under Options. Infinite Color Options  
Reservations Reservation Book 'Not Checked In' Color Color of bookings in the Book located in rooms that do not require check-in. Use of this color is controlled in the Book under Options. Infinite Color Options  
Reservations Reservation Book 'Room Does Not Require Check In' Color Color of bookings in the Book that have not been checked in. Use of this color is controlled in the Book under Options. Infinite Color Options  
Reservations Room Display Indicates how room information is displayed in reservations within the EMS Desktop Client—by Room Code or Room Description. Room Code, Room Description  
Reservations Use Billing Reference Allocation Enables an EMS user to allocate reservation, booking, or service order charges across multiple Billing Reference numbers by percentage. Yes/No When this parameter is set to YES, a tab will appear at the Reservation Level "Billing Reference Allocation."   This is the area where you can allocate, by percentage to different Billing Reference Numbers.    This information will print on the Confirmation if the box Print Billing Reference Allocation is checked on the Options tab of the Confirmation.     This allocation will also be reflected on the Sales by Billing Reference report.
Reservations Use PO Number Allocation Enables an EMS user to allocate reservation, booking, or service order charges across multiple PO Numbers by percentage. Yes/No When this parameter is set to YES, a tab will appear at the Reservation Level "Purchase Order  Allocation."   This is the area where you can allocate, by percentage to different Purchase Order  Numbers. Typically set to NO.
Reservations Validate Billing Reference Validates the Billing Reference entered against the Billing Reference table. Specify No Validation, Valid Only, or Warning for Invalid (Blanks Are Invalid), or Warning for Invalid (Blanks are Valid). No Validation, Valid Only, Warning For Invalid (Blanks Are Invalid), Warning For Invalid (Blanks Are Valid)  
Reservations Validate PO Number Validates PO Numbers entered against the PO Number table. Specify No Validation, Valid Only, or Warning for Invalid (Blanks Are Invalid), or Warning for Invalid (Blanks are Valid). No Validation, Valid Only, Warning For Invalid (Blanks Are Invalid), Warning For Invalid (Blanks Are Valid)  
Reservations Validation of Building Hours How Building Hours are validated for new or existing bookings in the EMS Desktop Client—either by Reserved Time (i.e., with Setup and/or Teardown Time) or Event Time. On Reserved Time, On Event Time Parameter is set to Event Time and Building Hours are set at 8 am - 5 pm and the EMS Desktop Client user inputs 7 am as event start time. As a result, on the second screen of the wizard, the user will be alerted that booking exceeds building hours.
Reservations Warn When Booking More Than 'xx' Months in Future If a user attempts to create a booking with a date past xx months, a warning displays. The warning does not prevent booking creation. 12  


Area Title Description Value Example/Notes
Resources Check Inventory When Using Reservation Tools If enabled, resource availability is verified when Booking Details are copied, Reservations are copied, or the date/time/room is changed for multiple bookings.  Yes/No Typically set to YES.
Resources Use Resource Selector If enabled, a Resource Selector window is available when adding Booking Detail Items. Yes/No Typically set to YES. Customers will set to NO when they want to edit the resource or add notes/special instructions at the same time as adding the resource to the booking.

Service Orders

Area Title Description Value Example/Notes
Service Orders Auto Adjust Service Order Times If enabled, Service Order Times are automatically adjusted when a booking's date and/or time is edited. Yes/No Typically set to YES.
Service Orders Default Service Order Times and Count from Booking When creating a new service, sets the default service order times to the event/reserved time. If set to (none), no default service order times are set. (none), Event Time, Reserved Time Parameter is set to RESERVE TIME, a booking made from 8 am - 12 pm  with 30 minutes of setup for 10 people. Resources with a Service Order type category is added and will have 7:30 am - 12 pm automatically defaulted as the start and end time with a count of 10.  This parameter will take precedence over what is set at the Category level.   In order for setup to calculate, default quantity must be set to Setup count on the Category.
Service Orders Show External Service Option on Categories When Set to YES, an External Service field is displayed on the Category dialog for a Catering category or a Resource w/ Service Orders category. Yes/No Typically set to NO. This was created for a specific customer and integration.


Area Title Description Value Example/Notes


2-way Sync

Enable 2-way Calendar sync

You can disable 2-way calendar sync if you are licensed for that feature.



System Campus Planning Interface - Use Integrated Authentication Only Enables Integrated Authentication as the only authentication method for the Campus Planning Interface. The Network ID field must be completed for any client user who will also use the Campus Planning Interface. Yes/No  
System Custom Calendaring Icon

Allows you to upload a custom icon for the EMS for Outlook add-in. The recommended image size is 32 x 32 pixels. See Also: Customize the Add-in icon.

System Dashboard Check Interval

Indicates how frequently the Dashboard should check for updates.

Setting this for more frequent updates might impact application performance.

5 Minutes, 10 Minutes, 15 Minutes, 30 Minutes, 1 Hour  
System Disable Online Help If set to YES, then Online Help is not available for the EMS system. (The link Help > Contents is not displayed on the EMS main menu.) Yes/No  
System NetworkID Login - Ignore Desktop Client Domain Setting to YES, causes EMS Desktop Client to ignore the domain when using Integrated Authentication, which is useful if you leverage multiple domains. Yes/No If a user logs in under the domain EMS\username, this parameter causes EMS Desktop Client to overlook the "EMS" portion of the credentials and still enable user login even though they are authenticating via a different domain.
System Platform Services Desktop Secret Key This is the secret the EMS Desktop Client will use when communicating with EMS Platform Services.     For more information, click here.  
System Server Time Zone Sets the time zone for the server to the indicated value.  

Affects how times get calculated for date calculations, dashboard notifications, all kinds of stuff.  You see issues when this isn’t set to what the server actually is.  

This was removed for EMS Cloud Services customers so they can’t change it (because they have no control over the actual servers).

System Use Integrated Authentication Only  If set to YES, then EMS users are required to manually log-in and authenticate against LDAP. Yes/No  
System Warn within XX% of Everyday User Licensing Limit Creates a prompt to expert user upon login if number of Everyday Users is within a certain percentage of the licensing limit. 99 This alerts EMS Desktop Client users that they are reaching their Everyday User limit.

EMS Desktop Client — Academic Planning (Campus) Optional Parameters

EMS Desktop Client -- Academic Planning parameters are broken into the following Areas:

Academic Import

Area Title Description Value Example/Notes
Academic Import Academic Import Days Of The Week Indicates how EMS determines the days of the week in import data. Whenever this parameter is changed, any existing (already created) Academic Import Sessions will still reflect the old parameter settings, even if you haven't yet imported a file. If you change this parameter and then need to load a file using the new setting, if you have already created the Session, it needs to be deleted and recreated. Any future Sessions created after changing this parameter will use the updated parameter value. Specific Text/Positional, Monday First/Positional, Sunday First  


Area Title Description Value Example/Notes


Academic Book Course Color

Color used for courses displayed in the Academic Book. Color Picker Green


Academic Book Crosslisted Course Color

Color used for cross-listed courses displayed in the Academic Book. Color Picker Purple


Academic Unit Title Plural

System-defined label for Academic Units. Typically renamed to “Departments.”






Academic Unit Title Singular

System defined label for Academic Unit. Typically renamed to “Department.”




Accumulate Enrollment On Shared Space Courses (non-crosslisted only)

Accumulate enrollment on courses that share space instead of using the largest enrollment (which is the approach for crosslisted courses). This only applies to courses that are manually marked as Shared Space in EMS; it does not apply to cross-listed courses.

YES/NO Typically set to "Yes."

Allow Cross-Domain Cross Listings

If set to "YES," this indicates that courses can be cross-listed across multiple domains.

Only needed if courses will be manually set to shared space across domains; will prompt the user to select the domain every time they manually share space.

YES/NO Typically set to "NO."


Allow Sync of Academic Units from Student Information System

This view is no longer supplied by EMS Software; therefore, setting this parameter to "YES" will not work.

YES/NO Typically set to "NO."


Auto Sync - Automatically Process Cancellations

If auto-sync is enabled, then course cancellations in your Student Information System are automatically processed in EMS.

Auto Process must also be enabled.

YES/NO Typically set to "YES."


Auto Sync - Automatically Process Courses not assigned to a Room

If auto-sync is set to "YES," then new courses without a room in your Student Information System are automatically processed in EMS into the "TBD" room for the domain.

Auto Process must also be enabled.

YES/NO Typically set to "NO."


Auto Sync - Automatically Process Room Capacity Violations

If auto-sync is set to "YES," if a new course is added in your Student Information System that violates room capacity, then the course is automatically processed in EMS (bypasses the Dashboard).

Auto Process must also be enabled.

YES/NO Typically set to "NO."


Auto Sync User

The EMS user account that is used by the auto-sync service for authentication.


Set to the Auto Sync user account that was created; usually "Auto Sync."


Course User Defined Field 01

Maps an EMS user-defined field to a custom field in your Student Information System.

Only needed if customization has been completed to bring custom field from Student Information System into EMS.

Course Type User Defined Field (field)

"Secondary Instructor"


Course User Defined Field 02

Maps an EMS user-defined field to a custom field in your Student Information System.

Only needed if customization has been completed to bring custom field from Student Information System into EMS.

Course Type User Defined Field (field)

"Secondary Instructor"


Course User Defined Field 03

Maps an EMS user-defined field to a custom field in your Student Information System.

Only needed if customization has been completed to bring custom field from Student Information System into EMS.

Course Type User Defined Field (field)

"Secondary Instructor"


Course User Defined Field 04

Maps an EMS user-defined field to a custom field in your Student Information System.

Only needed if customization has been completed to bring custom field from Student Information System into EMS.

Course Type User Defined Field (field)

"Secondary Instructor"


Course User Defined Field 05

Maps an EMS user-defined field to a custom field in your Student Information System.

Only needed if customization has been completed to bring custom field from Student Information System into EMS.

Course Type User Defined Field (field)

"Secondary Instructor"


Course User Defined Field 06

Maps an EMS user-defined field to a custom field in your Student Information System.

Only needed if customization has been completed to bring custom field from Student Information System into EMS.

Course Type User Defined Field (field)

"Secondary Instructor"


Course User Defined Field 07

Maps an EMS user-defined field to a custom field in your Student Information System.

Only needed if customization has been completed to bring custom field from Student Information System into EMS.

Course Type User Defined Field (field)

"Secondary Instructor"


Course User Defined Field 08

Maps an EMS user-defined field to a custom field in your Student Information System.

Only needed if customization has been completed to bring custom field from Student Information System into EMS.

Course Type User Defined Field (field)

"Secondary Instructor"


Course User Defined Field 09

Maps an EMS user-defined field to a custom field in your Student Information System.

Only needed if customization has been completed to bring custom field from Student Information System into EMS.

Course Type User Defined Field (field)

"Secondary Instructor"


Course User Defined Field 10

Maps an EMS user-defined field to a custom field in your Student Information System.

Only needed if customization has been completed to bring custom field from Student Information System into EMS.

Course Type User Defined Field (field)

"Secondary Instructor"



Day Label 1 - Sunday

Determines the label that indicates Sunday in various areas of EMS Campus such as the Time Block Template configuration area. The default value is U.

Text U


Day Label 2 - Monday

Determines the label that indicates Sunday in various areas of EMS Campus such as the Time Block Template configuration area. The default value is M.

Text M


Day Label 3 - Tuesday

Determines the label that indicates Sunday in various areas of EMS Campus such as the Time Block Template configuration area. The default value is T.




Day Label 4 - Wednesday

Determines the label that indicates Sunday in various areas of EMS Campus such as the Time Block Template configuration area. The default value is W.






Day Label 5 - Thursday

Determines the label that indicates Sunday in various areas of EMS Campus such as the Time Block Template configuration area. The default value is R.






Day Label 6 - Friday

Determines the label that indicates Sunday in various areas of EMS Campus such as the Time Block Template configuration area. The default value is F.






Day Label 7 - Saturday

Determines the label that indicates Sunday in various areas of EMS Campus such as the Time Block Template configuration area. The default value is S.






Default Cancel Reason

Used for courses when publishing a term.

Allows users to run reports and filter information, so as to keep academic cancellations separate from other cancellations that they might be tracking.


"Canceled in Student Information System"


Default Event Type

Used for courses when publishing a term.




Default Group

Used for courses when publishing a term. Must have a value to publish a term.


"Registrar's Office"


Default Reservation Source

Used for courses when publishing a term.


"Student Information System"


Default Seat Fill Percentage

Used to determine an appropriate room size for a class of a specific estimated enrollment (typically 100%).

This is only used when optimizing courses. If there is a course that needs a larger room than what its enrollment would normally call for, this number can be lowered. For instance, if a course has an enrollment of 30, but needs to be in a room that could hold 60 or more, the seat fill percentage would be set to "50%". This parameter only needs to be adjusted if the user wants a default seat fill for all courses to be something other than 100%. This field cannot be set to above 100%.




Default Setup Type

Used to build a setup type and capacity (from the Student Information System) when synchronizing rooms (typically “classroom”).

Must be set prior to synchronizing Rooms from the Student Information System to pull Student Information System room capacities into EMS.


"Academic Style"


Domain Title Plural

System defined label for Domains (typically renamed to “Campuses”).




Domain Title Singular

System defined label for Domain (typically renamed to "Campus").





Final Exam Event Type

Used when creating a final exam booking.

This parameter is used in conjunction with Final Exam Module.





Include CRN in Reservation Event Name

Include the Course Reference Number (CRN) in front of the event name post-publish in all areas of EMS Campus where the event name is used.

This parameter always adds the CRN to the front of the event name.



Keep Sibling Crosslisting Room Assignments In Sync

A sibling cross-list describes a crosslist that has at least three courses and the two child courses have a meeting pattern that is not shared with the parent course. If set to "YES," then these sibling crosslist courses become a matched set and are placed in Confirmed/Crosslist status and not Conflict.

For example, BIO 110 01, BIO 111 01, and BIO 112 01 are all cross-listed. They all meet MWF 10-1050, and BIO 110 01 is set as the parent. However, BIO 111 and 112 also share a lab T 9-1150 that BIO 110 doesn't have. If the parameter is set to "No" then BIO 111 appears in "Conflict" status. If parameter is set to "Yes" then BIO 111 T 9-1150 appears as "Confirmed" status.



Large class size (if more than xx students)

Used to determine what constitutes a “large” class for weighting by enrollment in the room optimization process. See Also: Room Optimization.

This is also how the cutoffs are based in the "Room Availability/Usage" report.





Large class size weight adjustment

Used to determine the optimization weighting for a "large" class. See Also: Room Optimization.

This parameter determines how many potential extra points a large class gets for its optimization rank score.






Lock Academic Unit Room access

Used during optimization process. If set to Yes, a room will be assigned to an Academic Unit's (i.e., Department) course only if that Academic Unit owns the room.



Manually update Student Information System/ERP System after Publishing

If set to "NO," course location in the Student Information System will be automatically updated during the publishing process.



Student Information System/ERP Title

System defined label for Student Information System/ERP (typically "Student Information System").




Small class size (if less than xx students)

Used to determine what constitutes a “small” class for weighting by enrollment in the room optimization process. See Also: Room Optimization.

This also determines how the cutoffs are based in the "Room Availability/Usage" report.





Small class size weight adjustment

Used to adjust the optimization weighting for a “small” class.

Determines how many potential extra points a small class gets for its optimization rank score.





Subject Title Plural


System defined label for Subjects (typically “Subjects”). Text



Subject Title Singular

System defined label for Subject (typically “Subject”).




Sync Course Dates Without Start/End Times

If set to No, Courses with incomplete course date records (e.g., missing start/end times or dates) will not be imported into EMS Campus.

Only works for missing start/end times; course dates still need days of the week and start/end dates.



Web Service URL


The URL to the EMS Campus Web Service.

This parameter must be filled out with the correct URL to sync with the Student Information System. When copying production EMS to test EMS environments, this parameter should always be updated to point to the test EMS Campus Web Service.

Text https://www.school.edu/EMSCampusWebService


(missing or bad snippet)