The EMS Browser Window

Many EMS functional areas use a Browser window. For example, the Groups window, the Query Builder window, and the Service Order Management window are all EMS Browser windows. You use an EMS Browser window to search for data, add new data, and edit and/or delete existing data. For example, in the Groups Browser window, you can search for groups or contacts, add new groups or contacts, and edit or delete existing groups or contacts. Regardless of the EMS functional area, all EMS Browser windows have the following features in common:

  • With the click and drag feature, you can group data by a specific column, rearrange the order of the data columns, or change the width of a column. This feature is always indicated by the option to drag and group by a column header at the top of an EMS Browser window. If a window/window pane does not display this option, then the window/window pane is not an EMS Browser window.

  • column context menu that has a multitude of options for sorting data, grouping data, sizing columns and so on. 

  • filtering feature to find and work with a subset of data in the window. 

  • column sorting feature to sort data by a specific column.

ClosedGroup Data by Columns

In any browser window, you can drag a column header to the indicated location and group the data by the selected column. You can drag multiple column headers to the location. If you sort data by multiple columns, then the first column is the parent column. All other columns are placed as child columns, and the data is grouped accordingly in the browser window.

ClosedRearrange Columns

You can rearrange column order by dragging a column to a new location using the column heading.

ClosedChange Column Width

You can change column width by resting the mouse pointer on the right side of a column heading until the pointer changes to a double-headed arrow, and then dragging the boundary.

ClosedUse the Context Menu

Right-click in any column in a browser window to open a context menu that has options to sort and group data, size columns, and so on.

ClosedFilter Data

  1. Open a browser window. For example, the Groups window.

  2. Place your cursor in the data column by which you want to filter the data. For example, to filter data based on the City for group records, place your cursor in the City column. A Filter icon displays in the column.

  3. To open filter options, click Filter, then select a filter option.

    Filters you create display in the lower left of the browser window.




    Opens the Custom AutoFilter dialog in which you can construct a custom data filter.


    Filters data based on NULL or blank data for a field. For example, if you click on Blanks in the City column in the Groups window, then all group records for which the City field has a NULL or blank value are displayed in the Groups window.

    Non blanks

    Filters data based on Not Null or not blank data for a field. For example, if you click Non blanks in the City column in the Groups window, then all group records for which the City field does not have a NULL or blank value are displayed in the Groups window.

    <Specific Data Value>

    A Filter list also displays each unique value that has been entered for the field. Select a value on this list to filter the data by the value. For example, select Denver in the City column of the Groups window to display only those group records that have Denver specified as the group’s city.

  4. To edit the filter, click Edit Filter.

    • To add a new condition to a filter, click Add/Insert.

    • To remove a condition from a filter, click Delete at the end of the filter.

    • To apply a new filter, click Apply.

    • To close the Edit Filter dialog, click OK.

ClosedChange the Sort Order of Data 

When a browser window first opens, data are sorted in ascending order based on the data in the first column of the window. For example, when the Groups window first opens, the group records are displayed on the Results tab alphabetically by Group name.

  1. Click in any column header to display a Sort Order icon.

    The up arrow indicates that data is sorted in ascending order.

  2. Click the up arrow to sort data in descending order.

  3. Click the down arrow to sort data in ascending order.

These procedures are explained using the Groups window. The instructions apply to any EMS Browser window.


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