Configure Reservation Sources

A reservation source indicates the origination of a reservation request, for example, walk-up, email, and EMS Web App. You can specify a reservation source at the time that the reservation is being made in the Reservation Wizard, or at a later date. You can also specify the reservation source as part of the search criteria when searching for a reservation in the Browser. Configuring a reservation source consists of naming or describing the source.

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > Other > Reservation Sources.

    The Reservation Sources window opens. This window lists all the reservations sources that are configured in your EMS database with a status of Active.

    To view all reservation sources regardless of status, click Show > Inactive.

  2. Click New.

    The Reservation Source dialog opens.

  1. In Reservation Source, enter a name or description for the new source (maximum 50 characters, including spaces).

  2. To add the reservation source as an active source, clear the Inactive check box. Optionally, to inactivate the source, select Inactive.

  3. Click OK.


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