Configure Payment Types

Payment types are the forms of payment that your organization accepts. They're also used to track the forms of payment that your groups are using. Examples of payment types include checks, credit card, and cash. Because payment types are for informational purposes only and do not affect the pricing or billing of an event, configuration of payment types is not required.

After you configure payment types, you can assign a default payment type to a group’s record. When a user makes a reservation for the group, the default payment type displays Reservation Wizard > Billing tab > Payment Type.

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > Billing > Payment Types

    The Payment Types window opens. This window lists all the payment types that are currently configured in your EMS database with an Active status.

    To show all payment types, regardless of status, under Show, click Inactive.

  2. Click New

    The Payment Type dialog opens.

  3. In Payment Type, enter a name or description (maximum 30 characters, including spaces).
  4. Leave Inactive blank to add the payment type as an active payment type. To inactivate the payment type select Inactive.
  5. Click OK


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