Configure Calendar Styles

Calendar styles determine the font, font size, and color (for example, Arial, 9 pt., Black) that are used when event information is printed on the Event Schedule and Event Calendar reports. For both reports, you must select the Use Calendar Styles option on the Options tab. You set the calendar style that is to be used for an event when making the reservation for the event in the Reservation Wizard. See the EMS Desktop Client User Guide.

  1. On the EMS menu bar, click Configuration > Other > Calendar Styles.

    The Calendar Styles window opens. This window lists all the calendar styles that are configured in your EMS database with an Active status.

    Optionally, to view all calendar styles in your EMS database regardless of status, under Show, select Inactive.

  1. Click New.

    The Calendar Style dialog opens.

  1. Enter the information for the new calendar style.
    • In Calendar Style, enter name or description for the calendar style (50 character maximum, including spaces).

    • In Font, the default calendar style is listed.

      To specify the font, size, and color, click Browse.

      To reset the font characteristics to their default values, click Reset.

  2. To add the calendar style as an active style, clear Inactive .

    Optionally, select Inactive to deactivate this calendar style.

  3. Click OK.


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