Booking Rules Tab

Configure booking rules for an everyday user process template:

  1. In the Everyday User Process Template dialog, select the Booking Rules tab.

  2. In the Booking Requirements section:

    • In Max. No. Bookings Allowed Per Reservation, enter the maximum number of bookings that a new reservation can contain.

    • In Max. No. Minutes Allowed, enter the maximum number of minutes for which a new reservation can be created. (This setting is not enforced when a user edits a booking.)

  3. Use the time of day and number of days or the number of hours to dictate how far in advance of an event a booking can be canceled.

    • To use a specific cutoff time, select Use Cancellation Cutoff Time. In the Cutoff Time and Number of Days fields, specify a time of day and a number of days. For example, if you enter 3 p.m. and one day, then cancellation must take place before 3 p.m. on the day before the event.

    • To use the number of hours instead of a specific time as a cutoff, clear Use Cancellation Cutoff Time and in Cancellation Cutoff Hours, specify a number of hours. For example, if you enter 24, then bookings cannot be canceled less than 24 hours before they are to take place, regardless of the time of day.

  4. Optionally, select one or both of the following:

    • Cancel Booking in Progress – An Everyday User can cancel a booking that is currently in progress. If you select this option, then the Cancel Booking in Progress Status option is enabled. The status that you select here is applied to bookings that an Everyday User cancels after the booking is already in progress.

    • End Booking in Progress – An Everyday User can end a booking in progress early, which makes the room available to other Everyday Users.

  5. In the Booking Days pane, indicate how far into the future bookings can be made and how much lead time is required to make a booking.

    • If you select Range of Days, then you must also specify a value for Only Allow New Bookings within Range of This Many Days. If you select Specific Date, then you must specify a value for Only Allow New Bookings Prior to This Date to dictate the future range.

    • The second field sets the lead time requirement. If you choose Range of Days, you must indicate a cutoff time or cutoff hours as you did for cancellations. If you choose Specific Date, you must select a date in Only Allow New Bookings After This Date.

  6. Optionally, to restrict bookings for reservations made in EMS Web App, enter a value for one or both of the following:

    • Max. No. Bookings Per Day – Restricts the maximum number of bookings that are allowed per day. The default value of zero indicates that no restrictions are imposed.

    • Max. No. Bookings per Date Range – Restricts the maximum number of bookings that are allowed per date range. The default value of zero indicates that no restrictions are imposed.

  7. Continue with other configuration for the templates.

  8. Click OK.

    The template changes are saved. For an Everyday User to be able to view and use this template, assign the user to the template.


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