Authentication Options for EMS Desktop Client

Authentication is controlled by three factors. They must be configured correctly for the authentication to work:

  1. Login Credentials – The location where external LDAP/Windows/Portal credentials need to be entered in EMS software for each user.

  2. Enabled by – A parameter or checkbox that needs to be enabled for the authentication to work.

  3. Configuration Page – Where configuration and options are set for the authentication.

Integrated Windows Authentication

  • Login Credentials – Network ID field in desktop user account settings . Ensure the domain is included. For example, ems\username.

  • Enabled by – Always enabled unless LDAP is turned on.

  • Configuration Page – None.


  • Login Credentials – Network ID field in desktop user account settings. Note that external reference does not work.

  • Enabled byUse Integrated Authentication Only EMS parameter set to Yes.

  • Configuration Page – The EMS Desktop Client pulls from the EMS Web App LDAP setup (apconfiguration.aspx page). There are multiple tabs. 

  • Other Notes – An EMS LDAP License is required for this to work. Client machines must have access to the directory server for this to work.


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