EMS Cloud Services

EMS Software provides meeting and room scheduling solutions to customers as a subscription-based cloud service. Hosted with the Google Cloud platform, EMS is responsible for hosting, managed services, and support. EMS Cloud Services includes provisioning, high availability, data and system security, and ongoing support by our experienced team.

Benefits of Becoming a Cloud Customer

EMS Cloud Services provides these benefits: 

  • No more upgrading! Your organization will be always on the latest version of EMS. EMS automatically deploys upgrades, updates, patches, and bug fixes.

  • Reduced costs – Not only does EMS Cloud Services save IT resources and time, the subscription-based pricing is a predictable, annual cost that reduces the necessity of expensive infrastructure.

  • Higher adoption – Everyday Users will have more access to applications and tools.

  • Easily scale to meet demands – EMS will monitor and add more capacity for your organization's environment as needed.

  • Integrations made via Platform Services API are maintained by Cloud Services for EMS.

Data Security

Your organization's data is always safe in your Cloud environment:

  • Data is encrypted both while in transit and at rest

    • End user applications to Hosting – SSL / TLS

    • Full encryption between customer and EMS

  • Least Privilege Access granted with principle of least privilege

    • Only EMS Cloud Operations can access your environment

  • Hardening of both application and database servers

  • Monitor log files, audit logs, temp files, caches, etc.

Interested in Upgrading?

For major EMS upgrades, for example, from version 44.1 to 2020.1 contact your professional services consultant.

For general EMS upgrades, follow the upgrade instructions for that component on the documentation site. For example, the upgrade instructions for the EMS Desktop Client can be found here.

For any issues encountered during the upgrade, contact Support.


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