Edit Reservations and Bookings
This section guides you in working with bookings in the Reservation Details page on EMS Web App, where you can view, add, change, or cancel services and attendees for a booking. For an overview, see Add Reservation Details. A reservation may contain multiple bookings, so the procedures below guide you in applying your changes to more than one booking within a reservation.
The process for editing reservations and bookings for Exchange-enabled templates and non-Exchange-enabled templates are different. This topic includes the following information:
- Edit Reservations
- Edit Booking (Exchange-enabled Template)
- Edit Bookings (Non-Exchange-enabled Template)
Edit Reservations

A Reservation is the purpose of the event. In EMS, a reservation is the who (the meeting organizer) and the what of an event. A Reservation contains one or more Bookings. For example, you (the who) can reserve some space for a staff meeting (the what).
A Booking is the where and the when of an event. For example, you can schedule the large auditorium (the where) for a staff meeting on the second Monday in January (the when). There are one or more Bookings in a Reservation.
- On the side bar of the Home page, click My Events.
- Click a reservation name.
- To edit reservation details, navigate to Reservation Details > Reservation Details tab.
- Click the Edit Reservation Details link.
- Edit any available field.
- Click Save Reservation Details.
When you click to edit a Reservation or Booking, the page that opens depends upon the type of booking that you are editing—a booking for reserving a room, a booking for requesting a room, or a booking for services only.
To edit Additional Information for your reservation, go to Reservation Details > Additional Information tab > Edit Additional Information.
Edit Booking (Exchange-enabled Template)
Users cannot edit the date and time from the Room Request screen. They must use the Manage Bookings screen.
- From the Home page, navigate to the My Events page.
- Click on a Reservation Name.
- Click Edit icon next to the booking you want to edit.
The Manage Bookings page opens.
- From the Manage Bookings page, you can:
- Edit/replace the room:
- Click the Edit icon next to the room to change the location.
The Room Request page opens.
- Click Search to display the list of available rooms.
- To choose a room, click the Add (+) button.
- Click Update Booking to save that location to your booking.
- When the Manage Bookings page opens, click Update Bookings again on this page.
A Notify Attendees prompt displays.
- Click one of the following:
- Notify Change – sends a calendar update to added or removed attendees.
- Notify All – sends a calendar update to all attendees.
- Cancel
- Changes are applied, attendees are notified, and the calendars of both attendees and the organizer are updated.
- Click the Edit icon next to the room to change the location.
- Edit the time/date of the booking:
- Click on the reservation Name for the reservation you want to edit.
- Click Edit icon next to the booking you want to edit.
The Manage Bookings page opens.
- Edit the Date & Time of the booking.
- If the room is available for this new time, click Update Bookings.
- If the room is not available for the new time, select a new time or edit the room for the booking.
- Add an additional location to the same booking:
- Click on the reservation name for the reservation you want to edit.
- Click Edit icon next to the booking you want to edit. The Manage Bookings page appears.
- Click Add Location. The Room Request screen appears. All locations within the same booking will have the same Start and End time.
- Click Search to display the list of available rooms.
- Select a room(s) using the Add (+) button.
- Click Done. The Manage Bookings page appears.
- Click Update Bookings.
- A Notify Attendees prompt displays.
- Click one of the following:
- Notify All – sends a calendar update to all attendees.
- Notify Change – sends a calendar update to added or removed attendees.
- Cancel
- Changes are applied, attendees are notified, and the calendars of both attendees and the organizer are updated.
- Modify attendees in this booking:
- Click on the reservation Name for the reservation you want to edit.
- Click the Edit icon next to the booking you want to edit. The Manage Bookings page appears.
- Navigate to the Attendee section.
- Type in the attendee name in the text field. The system will create a dropdown list of names that match the search.
- Select a name. This attendee will be added to your booking.
- Click Update Subject/Message and Notify Attendees.
- Click one of the following:
- Notify Change – sends a calendar update to added or removed attendees.
- Notify All – sends a calendar update to ALL attendees.
- Cancel
- Changes are applied, attendees are notified, and the calendars of both attendees and the organizer are updated.
- Edit/replace the room:
Edit Bookings (Non-Exchange-enabled Template)
From the Reservation Details page in the Bookings area, you can edit one or multiple bookings.
Edit the Date and Time on a Single or on Multiple Bookings
In the Reservation Tasks section, click Booking Tools.
You can also edit the date and time on multiple bookings by clicking on the Booking Tools link under the Bookings section.
- Make any edits.
- Click Update Bookings.
Edit the Location and/or Date and Time on a Single Booking
- Click My Events on the side bar of the Home page.
- Click on the reservation name you want to edit.
Under the Bookings section, click the Edit icon next to the booking.
These options are available if you have permissions.
- The Room Request window opens, where you can make changes to the booking.
- You can edit the date and time of the booking under the Date & Time section.
- Search for a new location under the Locations section in the left column.
- To select by Buildings or Views, click the Add/Remove link .
- Select a Building or View and click Update Locations.
- In the Locations section, click Search.
Under the Let Me Search for a Room section in the left-hand column, you can select filters to apply to your search (e.g., Floors, Room Types, etc.).
- Click Add (+) to change the room in your booking.
- Click Update Booking to save the changed location.