Configure Everyday User Templates
This topic explains the process of assigning your users to security profiles and booking templates.
If you have previously used older versions of EMS, you might know these templates as "Web Process Templates." These templates are now called "Everyday User Process Templates."

- Everyday User – Someone who can request or reserve space and services in any EMS Software application other than EMS Desktop Client. You assign these users to templates.
- Everyday User Template – Defines and controls what a user can do. EMS uses two types of everyday user templates:
- Security template – A security profile that controls which menu items are available to the users assigned to the template, which booking information fields display to them, and other information.
- Process template – A booking template that controls what users can do for different types of reservations (conference room, workspace, study room, and so on). This type of template also controls users' date/time restrictions, room security (reserve, request only, no access), and service availability (A/V, catering, and so on).
Configure Everyday User templates: