Configure Edit Booking Functionality in EMS Room Sign App

Users can extend their bookings with only one click. Admins should change the Extend Booking Button Label parameter to be "Mins" or "Minutes."

The EMS Room Sign App only supports editing meetings without setup or teardown time.

  • From the Configuration menu on the EMS Desktop Client, select Room Sign.
  • The Room Sign menu shows the options for Deregister Device, Global Settings, Profiles and Room Sign Settings.
  1. On the EMS Desktop Client toolbar, click EMS Glance Settings to access the EMS Room Sign App Settings area. 

    You can set how information displays at the Global level (the default for all Profiles) or for just one Profile.

  2. Open Global Settings to set this functionality as the default for all Profiles, or open a Profile for which you want to create a special display, and then edit the settings on the Settings tab.
  3. Adjust the Global or Profile settings listed in the table below to configure how booking information displays on the following screen. The Edit Booking functions determine if meetings that are In Progress can be adjusted or ended in the EMS Room Sign App.

    Edit Booking Settings



    Allow Edit Booking

    Indicates if a meeting can be adjusted or ended. If set to Yes, then the End button will display while a meeting is in progress. The meeting can also be extended based on the value of the following parameter:

    End – Sets the booking end time to the current time. 

    Number of Minutes to Extend Booking

    Determines how much the meeting can be extended if the room is available. The options are 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes. If the user presses this button, the meeting end time will be extended by the value shown.

    Require Authentication to Edit Booking in Progress  

    Require Authentication to End Booking in Progress

    If set to YES, user will need to authenticate in order to end booking in progress.


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