Review Reservations and Resolve Room Assignments

After a course has been published, you can use the EMS Navigator (referred to simply as the Navigator) or the Reservation Book (referred to simply as the Book) to manage it just like any other EMS reservation and/or booking. The Course Info tab on the Navigator displays the course and the course date records for the course as it exists in your SIS. If you open a course in the Navigator that is cross-listed or shares space with another course, the Navigator displays both sets of reservations and bookings. You can review the reservations that have been made for a course and if needed, change the course room (location) for one or more of its bookings. If courses have an identical meeting pattern, you can also swap rooms (locations) between courses.

If you select a course date record, on the Course Info tab, and then click Course, the course opens in the Course Navigator.


After a term has been published, you can continue using the Academic Browser, the Academic Book and/or the Course Navigator to locate courses. For automation reasons, after a term is published, make room changes in EMS Academic Planning and not in your SIS

In a typical process, you would want to locate and review the following types of courses immediately after publishing:

  • Courses in conflict – Use the Browser to search for bookings in the academic conflict status that you designated, for example, Academic Conflict (see Search with the Browser). You can change the location to resolve the conflict (see Change the course rooms (locations) for one or more bookings), or if the conflict was intentional, you can change the status to the academic share status that you designated, for example, Academic Shared (see Edit a Booking in the Navigator).

    When you manually update the status to Shared, the courses are not linked in the same way as when marking them as Shared Space prior to publishing; however, manually updating the status does not result in these course being “cleared” from your Conflict list.

  • Courses or events that were overridden by publishingUse the Browser to search for bookings in the status that you designated for override bookings, for example, Academic Bumped. You might want to move these bookings to another location.

  • Courses that were left unassignedUse the Browser to search for bookings in the TBD room. You might want to move these courses to an actual room.

You can also use the Advanced search features in the Academic Browser to locate and review the three types of courses that are listed above after publishing.

Change the Course Rooms (Locations) for One or More Bookings 

  1. Open the course reservation in the Navigator.

  2. Do one of the following:

    The course location in the SIS does not update automatically unless all bookings that are specific to a meeting pattern within a reservation are changed to an identical alternate location. If for some reason, you want to manually update the SIS with a new location that was not assigned to all bookings, select the course date record on the Navigator Course Info tab, and then click the Update button.

Swap Rooms Between Courses 

If courses have an identical meeting pattern, you can also swap rooms between courses.

  1. Open the Reservation Book.

  2. Locate your course bookings.

  3. Right-click one of the two bookings that you want to swap, and on the context menu that opens, click Swap Rooms With Another Course.

  4. Select the second of your two bookings. 

    A confirmation message opens.

  5. Click Yes


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