Academic Import Utility

The Academic Import Utility (AIU) is an optional, add-on component for EMS. It's designed to manually import from your Student Information System (SIS). For each scheduled class that is being imported, a single reservation with multiple bookings is created. One booking is created for each date on which the class meets. All class reservations created by the import process are assigned to one Group (customer, client, and so on) that you have configured in your EMS database. The imported class data can be tab-delimited or fixed width. Pior to using the AIU, you should have certain items configured in your EMS database.

To import data, configure a session for each block of data, for example, quarter or semester. Then, AIU saves the settings for use in the initial import and any subsequent reimport. When a session is reimported, only events in the import file that changed since the last import are recreated in the EMS database. This prevents the unnecessary reimport of unchanged events and the associated invalidation of large ranges of reservation numbers. After configuring a session, you import the session.

Reservations that were added to the EMS database using the AIU can also be removed from the database using AIU. Deleting a session removes all reservations created using the session.

Before you configure an AIU session, review the Academic Import Days of the Week setting in your system parameters. This setting dictates whether the AIU interprets days of the week based on their position within the data (with options for Sunday first or Monday first) or based on specific text entries (Su = Sunday, M = Monday, and so on).

Learn about EMS System Parameters for All Applications.